Thursday, May 27, 2010


I'm always the first to finish my lunch, my friends are always the last
I wonder what takes them so long to eat


Bright smile
I'm so glad I met you
Never will you break a promise
I love you
Your funny humor that
Always make me smile


I grab my map and wear my cap
To meet a friend
She's funny and with lots of money
We're completely different
She likes cats I like hats
We always play weird games
Like who can get to the mat with the bat
But at night we seem to change
We lay on our beds and pray
For one wish
To be together and forever
Always to remember


Round, smooth
Toss, flip, shine
Making a special wish


My first ever rollercoaster that was the worst
It was a blast moving so fast
A feel of excitement
As I peel my orange in the waiting line
It takes forever and ever to go on one ride
But never will I go back after all this waiting
Finally I'm in my seat making sure I'm not in the backseat
Climbing up high reaching the hill
Waiting for the drop, the ride seems so still
My toes to the sky, my head to the ground
Faster and faster there's no turning back
All of the excitement my word use to lack


Home is where
Home is a place you return to everyday
Home is where you do everything
Home is your own private space for yourself
Home is a place for all your belongings
Home is a place where you're yourself
Home is a place you know you feel happy and comfortable

Shooting Star

Shooting star soaring through the sky
Glimmering through the sky
A dream I think of
Waiting for the right time
True wishes I wish for
You are the shooting star of my world


Music is apart of me
It gives me entertainment
When I'm down or happy
Or when I'm mad it can make me relaxed
And when I'm bored it gives me joy
Music is your strength when you're weak
When my headphones are in I'm in my own little world
Life without music is like bees without honey
Life would be boring without music
If can remind you of special memories
Music is my friend
One that will be forever


Sunny peaceful day
Finally summer is here
Just hours away

Sunday, May 23, 2010

First Day of Snow

Waiting all year for the first day it snows
Finally on that day, everything glows


Tiny, fluffy
Forever on the wheel
Happy and tend to appeal


Airplanes fly up high in the sky
Back and forth
Covering the landscape of our nature
Dear nature
Flying high above the
Ground across the clear fluffy clouds

My Brother:D

I'm lucky and glad
I have you as my brother
When you're around I don't get sad
I wouldn't trade you for another

You're really tall
and I'm really small
Plus you're getting old
and sometimes cold

I miss your weird funny humor
that always make me in a good mood
I can't wait for this summer
To see you again soon


My mom
I can't live without you
Your loving heart for me
Always giving me your warm gentle love
Without you, there's no me
Your love and guidance has made me who I am now
Your my support when I'm feeling down
You help me in times of trouble
Thinking of all the things you've done for me
I thank you all so much
I feel blissful to your one and only daughter
I love you

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Her gentle touch and precision like motion
Her loving hear filled with devotion
created someone special and sweet
with the kindest heart for me to meet

Rain is
Gloomy at times, refreshing to me
Always excited to hear raindrops hit the roof
Peaceful and fresh

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Snow falling from the sky
A beautiful sight
Sparkles in the light
Soft crystal flakes melting in my hand
Putting on my scarf and coat
Ready for a snowman!